13 November 2008

friday 5 (a few hours early)

  1. When did you last use the edge of a coin (or a knife blade) as a screwdriver?
    hmmm... trying to open a pH meter at a field site :P pocket knife to the rescue!
  2. When did you last use a wire coat-hanger to break into a car? Last summer when we went to the lake...
  3. When did you last use food or drink as medication? I had a nice rum-drink to relax which lead to me fall asleep faster during a movie last weekend...
  4. When did you last use your cellular telephone as a flashlight? Last night going up the stairs... lights were off and roommates were asleep
  5. When did you last use a paper clip for any purpose other than to clip paper? I own a pair of sun glasses where on of the ear pieces is held in place by a paper clip :P

01 November 2008

Thanks to Ged! It's a very nice poem! Yay! Plurk Buddy!!! :D hehe

Love the design! :D

28 October 2008

My really really really late friday 5 :P

  1. Where’s your favorite beach? Costa Rica :D
  2. Where’s your favorite place to spend money? Victoria Secrets... shhhh
  3. Where’s a good place to watch people? Airport... my fave place
  4. Where’s a good place to be totally alone? living room... couch is my affair :P or the bathroom... privacy place :D
  5. Where’s a place outside of work (or school) where you’re likely to run into people from work (or school)? Everywhere... I live in a tiny tiny town :P

10 October 2008

friday 5

“My hands are tied” is an English-language cliche that means “I’d like to do something about this unfortunate situation, but I don’t have the ability or authority.” In what current situation do you feel your hands are tied?
  • Time management... I want to help with so many things or participate, but I just don' t have the time. Or when someone asks and I feel I can't. I really need to work on this. No excuses.
Railroad ties are the evenly-spaced slats that lie perpendicular to train tracks and whose function is to hold the tracks in place and to distribute the weight of the train. Who are the railroad ties in your life?
  • My mother can always put perspective into everything I am doing or give reason to why I have done something. My close friend Blake too, he is always there for me and is my "guy perspective" on certain situations. Also, Kyger... we have been friends since freshman yr and lab partners... we attempt to keep each other sane during semester.
What are your feelings about Thai food?
  • Bring it on! I love the spicy! Fave Thai food... rice noodles :P oh yeah!
  1. Whose thighs do you admire?
  • Hmmm... I guess I would say a gymnasts... used to have those tone thighs, but its been sooo long
A red tide is a proliferation (in ideal circumstances) of oceanic algae that often seem to discolor seawater and threaten other sealife. If the ocean is your life and the algae the harmful attitudes, thoughts, or moods that crowd out the good stuff, under what conditions in your life is red tide most likely to become a problem?

  • Right now... my physcis class is my evil dinoflagelletes to cause such death and destruction. By this I mean it has shatter my confidence and willingness to try to succeed in that class and I have almost completely given up.

23 September 2008

Sick Today...ewww

So today I found the time to blog :P haha... at the consequence of my health. In the middle of the night I had a fever :( and it only has gotten worse. Turns out I have pneumonia and/or bronchitis. Other than this life has been interesting, but loving every moment. My weekend was wonderful. My parents just celebrated both of their birthdays :D although i wasn't there. My mom is so supportive and I am so proud of her :D I cant wait to see them in a few weeks!
So yeah... I guess this is random thought blog! yeah!!! :P haha well that's enough thoughts... more napping feeling like crap :(

19 September 2008

friday 5 (sorry i didn't do it last wk)

What’s the cutest of the small, furry animals?
  • hmm... well i forgot what its call but its a cute little monkey like creature that eats fermented berries and has an average blood alcohol count of 0.1. He is so cute! :D
What predator impresses you the most?
  • sharks... with there electronegative sensor :P pretty cool
After which animal will you name your professional sports team?
  • frogs... so cute :P
What’s an unusual animal that you know a little something about?
  • sea urchins... they're pretty cool :D
Your high school probably had some kind of mascot or symbol, but based on your memories of it, what animal should REALLY have been the emblem?
  • well we were the red raiders [ :( ew ] i havent a clue i hated my high school

05 September 2008

A very orange FRIDAY 5

What’s your favorite orange-colored food?
  • hmm... tangerines :D
What’s the best way to drink orange juice?
  • ice cold from the carton :P delicious
Which candy’s orange-colored pieces taste best?
  • smarties... i love the orange ones!
What are your feelings about orange soda?
  • its wonderful on a hot summer day
When did you last wear an orange item of clothing?
  • uh... yesterday i had an OSU logo on a pair of shorts

29 August 2008

friday 5

What was the last song that stuck in your brain and wouldn’t go away?
  • Realize... by Colby Calia
What’s something that sticks around long after you wish it would leave?
  • certain peoples... its mean sounding but in ways true
To what use did you put your last sticky note?
  • i used 4 giant sticky notepads and covered a wall
When did you last have Pixy Stix?
  • ugh a few yrs ago
What is something you are a stickler for?
  • mexican food (?)

27 August 2008

First day of school! AHHH!!!

--- Class 1 --- Marine Biology... Love it! I think that is going to be my fav :D Oh Ricky! You fish man you!
-- Class 2 -- Organic Chemistry... not so much love. I have a feeling that this class is going to kill me and I have to take it for a full yr :'( I feel I am not ready, but yet I know I can totally do this. I guess I am going to have to find comfort and confidence in myself. Maybe stress level will lower after I relax things will settle down.
-Class 3- College physics... Oh all that is holy be with thee as thy workth hard! I have a feeling that I may not do so hot in this class. One can only hope. I learned today that simple math... not my thing, but actual formulas and algebra... EASY! Which makes no sense.

Now... I have finished 3/4 of what I need to do and am contemplating eating, which I know is not good to contemplate but I guess its stress. I am spending my time w/ a friend I rarely see and a friend that I truly don't feel like being around (totally realize how mean that truly sounds, but I guess I am just annoyed). He is a good friend, but a big flirt and I just don't want to hear it or be around it.

Plus... my mind is littered with thoughts that I just don't want to deal with right. I know my posts should probably be more uplifting, but (again I state) that for whatever reason this makes it go away for a bit and that is totally okay with me. I promise to make them better in the near future once more activities begin to arise. (Yay! drunken college stories... haha or at least a few)

Who knows the future or others thoughts... I guess I just want to know what is going on in a certain aspect of my life. I wish I could know what to do or think or what he is thinking, but I haven't a clue. Which not having control scares me the most. Well going to eat my weight of emotions and burdens... fast-food here I come. :P

~Mucho Luv~ (or as much has I have left)
That Girl...

25 August 2008

"I miss being missed, I desire to be desired, I want to be wanted"

"I miss being missed, I desire to be desired, I want to be wanted"
-- I read that somewhere recently and I actually had a moment of "wow! I am still single!" At times, that thought has crossed my mind and I don't quite know why I am writing this, but hey maybe it will come to me soon. Just the thought alone today... man, it made me think (or over think). Well who knows... I mean when I think a guy is interested, I truly don't know... but I have decided to go with the flow, I guess. I wish I could see the truth and not what I want to see. Maybe that would make life easy :P haha... DOUBT IT!
OH well... enough of this! I think I am going out tonight :D oh yeah! haha
but I guess everyone goes through this thought every once in a while... but yeah I'll put my big girl panties on and deal with life and figure things out as they come.

22 August 2008

Late Friday 5

What’s something really, really stupid you’ve done that could easily have resulted in your own death?
  • jumping on trampoline drunk... i got tangled in net and feel face first to the ground
What makes you feel stupid?
  • when people attack my argument and then mind goes blank... i look and feel stupid :P
What’s something that’s stupid in a very smart way?
  • logic
What’s an example of a stupid idea working out in a way that solved a problem?
  • Right at moment I can''t think of a specific time/ event... I fail! :(

  1. There is apparently a brand of packaged popcorn called Smartfood. What might be found in the package labeled Stupidfood?

15 August 2008

Friday 5

What did you last replace batteries for?
  • Hmmm... camera :P its been eating batteries so I think its time for a new one
What have you thrown away that you probably could have had repaired?
  • uh... well I can't recall
Among items in your line of sight right now, what should probably be put in the trash?
  • Cokes cans
When did you last use disposable cutlery while dining in your house?
  • a few days ago... chinese takeout :D yum!
Whose actions cause you to waste time you otherwise wouldn’t waste?
  • My own actions :P

07 August 2008

Viernes Cinco :P

In Citizen Kane, the main character’s last word before dying is “Rosebud,” which is discovered later to be the name of a favorite childhood sled. The idea is that this rich, powerful, hated man, in his last moment, finds himself thinking of happy, innocent times. If the film were about your life, what word might you utter in similar sentiment?
  • "Bunzilla" -- It was my dog that I had since the third grade. She was always there for me and loved me unconditionally. Honey would brighten the worst times, even if she was just a dog to everyone else. She passed away about a year ago, after I left for college again :(
In Groundhog Day, the main character is forced to live the same day again and again until he has learned to love others and to love himself. If you found yourself in an endless loop, living one day repeatedly until you learned the lesson that was holding you back, what would that lesson be?
  • I guess it would be a similar situation, but with a twist... through in trust. I have a hard time trusting others, especial when it comes to dating. Past has proved I either trust too much or should question guys more. Who knows :P
In Freaky Friday, a mother and daughter who have difficulty understanding each other find themselves each living the other’s life (occupying the other’s body and everything!). If this were to happen to you for similar reasons, whose body would you wake up in?
  • Probably my best friend, we live opposite lives and it is sometimes hard to understand where the other is coming from.
In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones has to jump into an underground room filmed with the one thing that freaks him out: snakes. “Why did it have to be snakes?” he asks. If the movie were about you, what would you see in the underground room?
  • It would be spiders... ew creepy 8-legged bastards w/ lots of eyes. I probably would die if I had to be in a room of them, its bad enough I can't tolerate tiny one :P
In Sideways, the main character is asked to explain his love for wine made from a certain grape. As he describes the grape, we realizes he is also describing himself, saying that it must be carefully tended and that it is easily damaged. If the film were about you, what passion (hobby, food, collectible, or activity, for example) would you describe and how would you describe it so that you were also describing yourself?
  • Traveling is my passion. To relate it to myself, it would be discover all you can about where you are at (in life and travel). Seek new. Being flexible is the key, always room for that discover and growth.

04 August 2008

Venting day!!! (otherwise known as monday)

Damn Damn Damn... It's Monday! And OH what a Monday it is. Sorry lovely readers, but this post is practically me bitching about a bad day.

1) Lost scholarship -- I lost the papers between here and there, then when I do call to get the college to fax the form to me they already selected students early... So I am now SOL and pissed at myself. Basically, I lost $1000 due to me and my irresponsibility. Grrr... me!!!!

2) Everyone encounters this at one point in time... Lazy f'ing co-workers!!! Well I spent my wkend working (nothing new) with this girl. She has been at the clinic for 2yrs and thinks she has every right to boss others. Well, I have been there 5yrs and regardless she and I have the same damn title, so when I do put her in her place she runs to the boss and tattles. What the hell?!?! Seriously?!?! but my boss is cool and thinks very highly of me... so he calls me in and laughed it off :D So why is that she can do things half ass and when others do the same or don't quite meet par, she points it out and thinks she is up there on the ranks... oh I will squash her!!!

3) Then I have a hicup in my computer in the middle of my quiz causing me to fail :( Emailed professor and now in education limbo

4) Sleep deprived... wkend work takes alot out of me. SO sleepys!!! >.<>

Silver Linings...

1) Pay DAY!!!!!!!!! or week... 3 jobs (so tired)

2) Passed history exam! yay! B+

3) Assisted in C-section sunday... yay! puppy rubbing!!! :D soooo cute... wittle puppies!

4) Mom gave me a card... a you can do it, i love you, you are strong, and things will be okay kindof card! Awww... she is an amazing lady! I think i will get her some flowers or something like that :D good idea

Alright, I promise my next post wont like this. I don't want many of these posts, but sometimes it's nice to release all this and vent.

Have a wonderful week readers!

~MuchO lUv~
That Girl

31 July 2008

Friday 5

Of television programs that aired before you were born, what’s your favorite?
  • M*A*S*H* 4077 I love the sarcasm and the medical aspect! I can spend days (and have) just watching that show. I love Peirce! That is my all time favorite show! Another good one is, WKRP in Cincinnati... Awesome comedy! Still working on watching all the episodes.
What person of historical significance was from your neighborhood or city?
  • Uhhh... Gonna have to look that one up :P I haven't a clue.
What’s a story that’s often been told about someone in your family in the years before you came along?
  • Any number of my dad's college stories :P matress leap, campus alligator, the list goes on...
Which of previous generations’ dumb mistakes (in deed or thought) baffles you the most?
  • I think the odd fashion of the 80s is the most baffling... haha!
What aspect of life in the good old days would you love to see a return to?
  • I know there will always be fear, but I wish I could feel safe out alone. I know people back in the good old days had some fears but there was a sense of trust among a community. Here, I feel I can't travel alone or even down a street at night without feeling as if someone is out to get me through events that have happened here or around the nation.
  • Also, freakin' disciple your children. Kids going up in these days have no respect or sense of responsibility... damn! If I were to act like some of these kids my mom would have to spank me daily... I mean I have worked in the daycare system and it is horrible. Not only that, but the education system has much of the same children. Its not just younger kids but the high school age too... kids raised by media is how I see it. But it is the parents responsiblity as well. (This frustration is due to daycare worker job... worse job I ever had!)

25 July 2008

Friday 5

When you go to the beach, lake, or pool, are you more likely to lower yourself gradually into cold water or to take a determined plunge and get it over with?
  • It's a definite plunge... shock to the system never hurt. If I ease into cold water I usually pansy out and get out. :P
How is this like (or unlike) your approach to other tasks or ordeals?
  • Well I usually dive right into something, even if I know very little of what I am getting myself into or when I know I have stuff to do that is the best approach.
When someone gives you flowers, are you more likely to let them turn completely brown and gross before throwing them out, or to discard them the moment they take on that sick-flower look?
  • The few times I have received flowers, I kept them until they were of the crunchy nature or with roses hang them upside down and once dried completely out, spray hair spray to support and preserve them. Tried that once but it was a bust.
How is this like (or unlike) your approach to other gifts, purchases, or relationships?
  • Well when I purchase things I like them to last, especially clothes and shoes. Gifts are always from the heart (so I don't know where that fits in the flower thing... I guess some flower giving is from the heart or when someone has gotten themselves into hot water) With relationships, I will explore every option to salvage and preserve it, if I feel it is worth save, but sometimes it's a bust. :(
Think of your favorite movie (or a movie you really like, if you can’t think of a favorite). Some people say that the reasons you love your favorite movie are related to what you value in romantic relationships. How is this true or untrue in your case?
  • The Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind... is one of my all time favorites! I love that movie! If you haven't seen and read this... GO SEE IT! RENT IT! BUY IT! I DONT CARE... JUST FREAKIN' SEE IT! But to answer the question, in my case that is true... it shows the ups and downs, as well as you the saying and reality "You don't know what you have until it's gone". It shows so much more, but I don't want to ruin it for you all... so go see it and then we'll talk :P

18 July 2008

Attn: 1st Friday 5 -- out every Friday

What was the last meal that caused you to be ill?
  • I would have to say the last food illness would be compliments of college cafeteria... happens on average of 3x a semester. So yeah... I tend to stay skinny during the semester (hehe... jk)
Are there any places you never dine anymore because of a bad experience hours after the meal?
  • Not that I can recall... I generally lie to myself and say it was a one time thing when it comes to the caf, but when it comes to restaurants I generally return, not thinking twice.
What’s your prescription for dealing with a food-caused illness?
  • little pill called promethazine (stops vomiting and makes me sleep alot) plus some soup and sprite and spent in dark room in bed with tv :D best cure
When friends tell you about coming down with food-caused illnesses, do you avoid the places they name, or do you figure it’s a dice-roll wherever you go?
  • Dice-roll all the way... like I said I lie to myself so I can enjoy the food at the time :D
After numerous citations, a very, very popular restaurant that you’re quite fond of is shut down by the health department until it can get everything up to code. When the health department gives the restaurant the o.k. to reopen, do you go?
  • Hells yeah I'd go back... I love my food and my food places! Although, I would wait a few weeks but definaitly will go back at some point.

13 July 2008

Concert Fun!

So drowning pool in concert was amazing. Had a blast with Joe and Brittney! :D Funny thing though... made it to the front of the stage by shoving and pushing and throwing serious elbow almost there and this large, tall man tried to block me out. Me - 5'1" maybe 115lb woman vs Him - almost 6' 200+lb man... and he starts elbowing me back... this continued til i slipped past him and got right up front!!! :D soooo exciting! plus i got some pics on my phone...

FYI -- Pics soon to come to blog, as soon as I figure it out :P hehe

~Mucho Luv~
That Girl

02 July 2008

PlaY NiCe!

First and foremost HAPPY INDEPENdENCE DAY!!!! :D hope it was a good!

Today wasn't so bad... saw a friend whom I hadn't seen in over a year! It was great to see him and so I went to his family's 4th celebration at the lake... tubing, swimming, sun and finally a TAN!! It was great but then my evil past showed up... that's right... the ex. (quick background... emotional abusive of 2yrs... he cheat and leave me) We were civil and there wasn't a problem, well not until a mutual friend of ours... well not exactly a mutual friend anymore. We were all hanging out and sitting around on the dock just enjoying the company, but why anyone would want to isolate a person and make them feel like shit is beyond me...

That was my only problem... I haven't been here or seen many of these people in over a year and this girl has the nerve to isolate me from the group and exclude me from conversation and basically give me the silent treatment... leading to...
what possess one to do that... power? stuck up-ness? bitchy? Why do we as people do that? what gives us the right to treat others like shit... who gave us that power. I mean why act like this we are all adults... must we continue this high school drama queen bullshit... Plus I never did anything to her and never will. She WAS my friend, but now who knows...

So I left and returned home... feeling sorry for myself and then feeling lame for feeling sorry for myself but ultimately realizing that "HERE" is where I shouldn't be...

The Cure: I laid under the stars, gazing at them and every so often the fireworks that my neighbors were doing... thinking... about life and coming to some conclusions (1) Who needs them... there are people out in the world that do love and respect me (2) God has blessed me beyond belief and I need to be more thankful (3) Enjoy more nature (4) do what you love and love what you do... put yourself in situations you'll love (5) single-ness... well still got some contemplating (6) DO defensive driving and CE :P

Just getting this out there... please dont treat people like something you stepped in... everyone has value and no one deserves to feel that. Play nice!!! Its not a hard concept :P okay?

MuCho LuV
~ That Girl ~

29 June 2008

BeinVendos... BoA ViNDa... WElCOme!

So hello all who are interested... I am (of course) that girl! Here is my first blog EVER!!! So I am going to take this time to say abit about myself... if you read the mini introduction on the left hand side then congrats you are ahead of those who just began reading...
My name is Mandi and I am currently attending college as a biology major with a pre-pharmacy intentions, but only God knows what I am suppose to do with my life. I am absolutely loving my life as it is! I am a fun-loving, adventure-seeking, spontaneous, passionate person! I also tend to ramble as I type or talk for that matter, but yeah I decided I wanted to put my perspective of life, love, travel, stress, school, and whatever else that crosses my scatter-brained mind. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest and I intend to find everything the world has to offer and experience all I can... whatever wherever. My favorite thing is to travel, but I generally plan to go somewhere but never plan what to do. God leads me in life... so in essense there is no need to plan since the "Big Guy" is in charge. My mom is my rock and I know she is always there for me... Aye Aye Captain! She is an amazingly strong woman. I have a few hobbies: cars (I know WOW a girl likes cars... who know), futbol (soccer... fyi), anything artsy, pinstripping (little crazy designs on old school cars), kayaking and music (except country)... there is a ton other but yeah they will probably come up at some point.
well thats enough about me... for now :P Adios! Mucho Love!