29 August 2008

friday 5

What was the last song that stuck in your brain and wouldn’t go away?
  • Realize... by Colby Calia
What’s something that sticks around long after you wish it would leave?
  • certain peoples... its mean sounding but in ways true
To what use did you put your last sticky note?
  • i used 4 giant sticky notepads and covered a wall
When did you last have Pixy Stix?
  • ugh a few yrs ago
What is something you are a stickler for?
  • mexican food (?)

27 August 2008

First day of school! AHHH!!!

--- Class 1 --- Marine Biology... Love it! I think that is going to be my fav :D Oh Ricky! You fish man you!
-- Class 2 -- Organic Chemistry... not so much love. I have a feeling that this class is going to kill me and I have to take it for a full yr :'( I feel I am not ready, but yet I know I can totally do this. I guess I am going to have to find comfort and confidence in myself. Maybe stress level will lower after I relax things will settle down.
-Class 3- College physics... Oh all that is holy be with thee as thy workth hard! I have a feeling that I may not do so hot in this class. One can only hope. I learned today that simple math... not my thing, but actual formulas and algebra... EASY! Which makes no sense.

Now... I have finished 3/4 of what I need to do and am contemplating eating, which I know is not good to contemplate but I guess its stress. I am spending my time w/ a friend I rarely see and a friend that I truly don't feel like being around (totally realize how mean that truly sounds, but I guess I am just annoyed). He is a good friend, but a big flirt and I just don't want to hear it or be around it.

Plus... my mind is littered with thoughts that I just don't want to deal with right. I know my posts should probably be more uplifting, but (again I state) that for whatever reason this makes it go away for a bit and that is totally okay with me. I promise to make them better in the near future once more activities begin to arise. (Yay! drunken college stories... haha or at least a few)

Who knows the future or others thoughts... I guess I just want to know what is going on in a certain aspect of my life. I wish I could know what to do or think or what he is thinking, but I haven't a clue. Which not having control scares me the most. Well going to eat my weight of emotions and burdens... fast-food here I come. :P

~Mucho Luv~ (or as much has I have left)
That Girl...

25 August 2008

"I miss being missed, I desire to be desired, I want to be wanted"

"I miss being missed, I desire to be desired, I want to be wanted"
-- I read that somewhere recently and I actually had a moment of "wow! I am still single!" At times, that thought has crossed my mind and I don't quite know why I am writing this, but hey maybe it will come to me soon. Just the thought alone today... man, it made me think (or over think). Well who knows... I mean when I think a guy is interested, I truly don't know... but I have decided to go with the flow, I guess. I wish I could see the truth and not what I want to see. Maybe that would make life easy :P haha... DOUBT IT!
OH well... enough of this! I think I am going out tonight :D oh yeah! haha
but I guess everyone goes through this thought every once in a while... but yeah I'll put my big girl panties on and deal with life and figure things out as they come.

22 August 2008

Late Friday 5

What’s something really, really stupid you’ve done that could easily have resulted in your own death?
  • jumping on trampoline drunk... i got tangled in net and feel face first to the ground
What makes you feel stupid?
  • when people attack my argument and then mind goes blank... i look and feel stupid :P
What’s something that’s stupid in a very smart way?
  • logic
What’s an example of a stupid idea working out in a way that solved a problem?
  • Right at moment I can''t think of a specific time/ event... I fail! :(

  1. There is apparently a brand of packaged popcorn called Smartfood. What might be found in the package labeled Stupidfood?

15 August 2008

Friday 5

What did you last replace batteries for?
  • Hmmm... camera :P its been eating batteries so I think its time for a new one
What have you thrown away that you probably could have had repaired?
  • uh... well I can't recall
Among items in your line of sight right now, what should probably be put in the trash?
  • Cokes cans
When did you last use disposable cutlery while dining in your house?
  • a few days ago... chinese takeout :D yum!
Whose actions cause you to waste time you otherwise wouldn’t waste?
  • My own actions :P

07 August 2008

Viernes Cinco :P

In Citizen Kane, the main character’s last word before dying is “Rosebud,” which is discovered later to be the name of a favorite childhood sled. The idea is that this rich, powerful, hated man, in his last moment, finds himself thinking of happy, innocent times. If the film were about your life, what word might you utter in similar sentiment?
  • "Bunzilla" -- It was my dog that I had since the third grade. She was always there for me and loved me unconditionally. Honey would brighten the worst times, even if she was just a dog to everyone else. She passed away about a year ago, after I left for college again :(
In Groundhog Day, the main character is forced to live the same day again and again until he has learned to love others and to love himself. If you found yourself in an endless loop, living one day repeatedly until you learned the lesson that was holding you back, what would that lesson be?
  • I guess it would be a similar situation, but with a twist... through in trust. I have a hard time trusting others, especial when it comes to dating. Past has proved I either trust too much or should question guys more. Who knows :P
In Freaky Friday, a mother and daughter who have difficulty understanding each other find themselves each living the other’s life (occupying the other’s body and everything!). If this were to happen to you for similar reasons, whose body would you wake up in?
  • Probably my best friend, we live opposite lives and it is sometimes hard to understand where the other is coming from.
In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones has to jump into an underground room filmed with the one thing that freaks him out: snakes. “Why did it have to be snakes?” he asks. If the movie were about you, what would you see in the underground room?
  • It would be spiders... ew creepy 8-legged bastards w/ lots of eyes. I probably would die if I had to be in a room of them, its bad enough I can't tolerate tiny one :P
In Sideways, the main character is asked to explain his love for wine made from a certain grape. As he describes the grape, we realizes he is also describing himself, saying that it must be carefully tended and that it is easily damaged. If the film were about you, what passion (hobby, food, collectible, or activity, for example) would you describe and how would you describe it so that you were also describing yourself?
  • Traveling is my passion. To relate it to myself, it would be discover all you can about where you are at (in life and travel). Seek new. Being flexible is the key, always room for that discover and growth.

04 August 2008

Venting day!!! (otherwise known as monday)

Damn Damn Damn... It's Monday! And OH what a Monday it is. Sorry lovely readers, but this post is practically me bitching about a bad day.

1) Lost scholarship -- I lost the papers between here and there, then when I do call to get the college to fax the form to me they already selected students early... So I am now SOL and pissed at myself. Basically, I lost $1000 due to me and my irresponsibility. Grrr... me!!!!

2) Everyone encounters this at one point in time... Lazy f'ing co-workers!!! Well I spent my wkend working (nothing new) with this girl. She has been at the clinic for 2yrs and thinks she has every right to boss others. Well, I have been there 5yrs and regardless she and I have the same damn title, so when I do put her in her place she runs to the boss and tattles. What the hell?!?! Seriously?!?! but my boss is cool and thinks very highly of me... so he calls me in and laughed it off :D So why is that she can do things half ass and when others do the same or don't quite meet par, she points it out and thinks she is up there on the ranks... oh I will squash her!!!

3) Then I have a hicup in my computer in the middle of my quiz causing me to fail :( Emailed professor and now in education limbo

4) Sleep deprived... wkend work takes alot out of me. SO sleepys!!! >.<>

Silver Linings...

1) Pay DAY!!!!!!!!! or week... 3 jobs (so tired)

2) Passed history exam! yay! B+

3) Assisted in C-section sunday... yay! puppy rubbing!!! :D soooo cute... wittle puppies!

4) Mom gave me a card... a you can do it, i love you, you are strong, and things will be okay kindof card! Awww... she is an amazing lady! I think i will get her some flowers or something like that :D good idea

Alright, I promise my next post wont like this. I don't want many of these posts, but sometimes it's nice to release all this and vent.

Have a wonderful week readers!

~MuchO lUv~
That Girl