25 August 2008

"I miss being missed, I desire to be desired, I want to be wanted"

"I miss being missed, I desire to be desired, I want to be wanted"
-- I read that somewhere recently and I actually had a moment of "wow! I am still single!" At times, that thought has crossed my mind and I don't quite know why I am writing this, but hey maybe it will come to me soon. Just the thought alone today... man, it made me think (or over think). Well who knows... I mean when I think a guy is interested, I truly don't know... but I have decided to go with the flow, I guess. I wish I could see the truth and not what I want to see. Maybe that would make life easy :P haha... DOUBT IT!
OH well... enough of this! I think I am going out tonight :D oh yeah! haha
but I guess everyone goes through this thought every once in a while... but yeah I'll put my big girl panties on and deal with life and figure things out as they come.

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