31 July 2008

Friday 5

Of television programs that aired before you were born, what’s your favorite?
  • M*A*S*H* 4077 I love the sarcasm and the medical aspect! I can spend days (and have) just watching that show. I love Peirce! That is my all time favorite show! Another good one is, WKRP in Cincinnati... Awesome comedy! Still working on watching all the episodes.
What person of historical significance was from your neighborhood or city?
  • Uhhh... Gonna have to look that one up :P I haven't a clue.
What’s a story that’s often been told about someone in your family in the years before you came along?
  • Any number of my dad's college stories :P matress leap, campus alligator, the list goes on...
Which of previous generations’ dumb mistakes (in deed or thought) baffles you the most?
  • I think the odd fashion of the 80s is the most baffling... haha!
What aspect of life in the good old days would you love to see a return to?
  • I know there will always be fear, but I wish I could feel safe out alone. I know people back in the good old days had some fears but there was a sense of trust among a community. Here, I feel I can't travel alone or even down a street at night without feeling as if someone is out to get me through events that have happened here or around the nation.
  • Also, freakin' disciple your children. Kids going up in these days have no respect or sense of responsibility... damn! If I were to act like some of these kids my mom would have to spank me daily... I mean I have worked in the daycare system and it is horrible. Not only that, but the education system has much of the same children. Its not just younger kids but the high school age too... kids raised by media is how I see it. But it is the parents responsiblity as well. (This frustration is due to daycare worker job... worse job I ever had!)

25 July 2008

Friday 5

When you go to the beach, lake, or pool, are you more likely to lower yourself gradually into cold water or to take a determined plunge and get it over with?
  • It's a definite plunge... shock to the system never hurt. If I ease into cold water I usually pansy out and get out. :P
How is this like (or unlike) your approach to other tasks or ordeals?
  • Well I usually dive right into something, even if I know very little of what I am getting myself into or when I know I have stuff to do that is the best approach.
When someone gives you flowers, are you more likely to let them turn completely brown and gross before throwing them out, or to discard them the moment they take on that sick-flower look?
  • The few times I have received flowers, I kept them until they were of the crunchy nature or with roses hang them upside down and once dried completely out, spray hair spray to support and preserve them. Tried that once but it was a bust.
How is this like (or unlike) your approach to other gifts, purchases, or relationships?
  • Well when I purchase things I like them to last, especially clothes and shoes. Gifts are always from the heart (so I don't know where that fits in the flower thing... I guess some flower giving is from the heart or when someone has gotten themselves into hot water) With relationships, I will explore every option to salvage and preserve it, if I feel it is worth save, but sometimes it's a bust. :(
Think of your favorite movie (or a movie you really like, if you can’t think of a favorite). Some people say that the reasons you love your favorite movie are related to what you value in romantic relationships. How is this true or untrue in your case?
  • The Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind... is one of my all time favorites! I love that movie! If you haven't seen and read this... GO SEE IT! RENT IT! BUY IT! I DONT CARE... JUST FREAKIN' SEE IT! But to answer the question, in my case that is true... it shows the ups and downs, as well as you the saying and reality "You don't know what you have until it's gone". It shows so much more, but I don't want to ruin it for you all... so go see it and then we'll talk :P

18 July 2008

Attn: 1st Friday 5 -- out every Friday

What was the last meal that caused you to be ill?
  • I would have to say the last food illness would be compliments of college cafeteria... happens on average of 3x a semester. So yeah... I tend to stay skinny during the semester (hehe... jk)
Are there any places you never dine anymore because of a bad experience hours after the meal?
  • Not that I can recall... I generally lie to myself and say it was a one time thing when it comes to the caf, but when it comes to restaurants I generally return, not thinking twice.
What’s your prescription for dealing with a food-caused illness?
  • little pill called promethazine (stops vomiting and makes me sleep alot) plus some soup and sprite and spent in dark room in bed with tv :D best cure
When friends tell you about coming down with food-caused illnesses, do you avoid the places they name, or do you figure it’s a dice-roll wherever you go?
  • Dice-roll all the way... like I said I lie to myself so I can enjoy the food at the time :D
After numerous citations, a very, very popular restaurant that you’re quite fond of is shut down by the health department until it can get everything up to code. When the health department gives the restaurant the o.k. to reopen, do you go?
  • Hells yeah I'd go back... I love my food and my food places! Although, I would wait a few weeks but definaitly will go back at some point.

13 July 2008

Concert Fun!

So drowning pool in concert was amazing. Had a blast with Joe and Brittney! :D Funny thing though... made it to the front of the stage by shoving and pushing and throwing serious elbow almost there and this large, tall man tried to block me out. Me - 5'1" maybe 115lb woman vs Him - almost 6' 200+lb man... and he starts elbowing me back... this continued til i slipped past him and got right up front!!! :D soooo exciting! plus i got some pics on my phone...

FYI -- Pics soon to come to blog, as soon as I figure it out :P hehe

~Mucho Luv~
That Girl

02 July 2008

PlaY NiCe!

First and foremost HAPPY INDEPENdENCE DAY!!!! :D hope it was a good!

Today wasn't so bad... saw a friend whom I hadn't seen in over a year! It was great to see him and so I went to his family's 4th celebration at the lake... tubing, swimming, sun and finally a TAN!! It was great but then my evil past showed up... that's right... the ex. (quick background... emotional abusive of 2yrs... he cheat and leave me) We were civil and there wasn't a problem, well not until a mutual friend of ours... well not exactly a mutual friend anymore. We were all hanging out and sitting around on the dock just enjoying the company, but why anyone would want to isolate a person and make them feel like shit is beyond me...

That was my only problem... I haven't been here or seen many of these people in over a year and this girl has the nerve to isolate me from the group and exclude me from conversation and basically give me the silent treatment... leading to...
what possess one to do that... power? stuck up-ness? bitchy? Why do we as people do that? what gives us the right to treat others like shit... who gave us that power. I mean why act like this we are all adults... must we continue this high school drama queen bullshit... Plus I never did anything to her and never will. She WAS my friend, but now who knows...

So I left and returned home... feeling sorry for myself and then feeling lame for feeling sorry for myself but ultimately realizing that "HERE" is where I shouldn't be...

The Cure: I laid under the stars, gazing at them and every so often the fireworks that my neighbors were doing... thinking... about life and coming to some conclusions (1) Who needs them... there are people out in the world that do love and respect me (2) God has blessed me beyond belief and I need to be more thankful (3) Enjoy more nature (4) do what you love and love what you do... put yourself in situations you'll love (5) single-ness... well still got some contemplating (6) DO defensive driving and CE :P

Just getting this out there... please dont treat people like something you stepped in... everyone has value and no one deserves to feel that. Play nice!!! Its not a hard concept :P okay?

MuCho LuV
~ That Girl ~