13 November 2008

friday 5 (a few hours early)

  1. When did you last use the edge of a coin (or a knife blade) as a screwdriver?
    hmmm... trying to open a pH meter at a field site :P pocket knife to the rescue!
  2. When did you last use a wire coat-hanger to break into a car? Last summer when we went to the lake...
  3. When did you last use food or drink as medication? I had a nice rum-drink to relax which lead to me fall asleep faster during a movie last weekend...
  4. When did you last use your cellular telephone as a flashlight? Last night going up the stairs... lights were off and roommates were asleep
  5. When did you last use a paper clip for any purpose other than to clip paper? I own a pair of sun glasses where on of the ear pieces is held in place by a paper clip :P

01 November 2008

Thanks to Ged! It's a very nice poem! Yay! Plurk Buddy!!! :D hehe

Love the design! :D

28 October 2008

My really really really late friday 5 :P

  1. Where’s your favorite beach? Costa Rica :D
  2. Where’s your favorite place to spend money? Victoria Secrets... shhhh
  3. Where’s a good place to watch people? Airport... my fave place
  4. Where’s a good place to be totally alone? living room... couch is my affair :P or the bathroom... privacy place :D
  5. Where’s a place outside of work (or school) where you’re likely to run into people from work (or school)? Everywhere... I live in a tiny tiny town :P

10 October 2008

friday 5

“My hands are tied” is an English-language cliche that means “I’d like to do something about this unfortunate situation, but I don’t have the ability or authority.” In what current situation do you feel your hands are tied?
  • Time management... I want to help with so many things or participate, but I just don' t have the time. Or when someone asks and I feel I can't. I really need to work on this. No excuses.
Railroad ties are the evenly-spaced slats that lie perpendicular to train tracks and whose function is to hold the tracks in place and to distribute the weight of the train. Who are the railroad ties in your life?
  • My mother can always put perspective into everything I am doing or give reason to why I have done something. My close friend Blake too, he is always there for me and is my "guy perspective" on certain situations. Also, Kyger... we have been friends since freshman yr and lab partners... we attempt to keep each other sane during semester.
What are your feelings about Thai food?
  • Bring it on! I love the spicy! Fave Thai food... rice noodles :P oh yeah!
  1. Whose thighs do you admire?
  • Hmmm... I guess I would say a gymnasts... used to have those tone thighs, but its been sooo long
A red tide is a proliferation (in ideal circumstances) of oceanic algae that often seem to discolor seawater and threaten other sealife. If the ocean is your life and the algae the harmful attitudes, thoughts, or moods that crowd out the good stuff, under what conditions in your life is red tide most likely to become a problem?

  • Right now... my physcis class is my evil dinoflagelletes to cause such death and destruction. By this I mean it has shatter my confidence and willingness to try to succeed in that class and I have almost completely given up.

23 September 2008

Sick Today...ewww

So today I found the time to blog :P haha... at the consequence of my health. In the middle of the night I had a fever :( and it only has gotten worse. Turns out I have pneumonia and/or bronchitis. Other than this life has been interesting, but loving every moment. My weekend was wonderful. My parents just celebrated both of their birthdays :D although i wasn't there. My mom is so supportive and I am so proud of her :D I cant wait to see them in a few weeks!
So yeah... I guess this is random thought blog! yeah!!! :P haha well that's enough thoughts... more napping feeling like crap :(

19 September 2008

friday 5 (sorry i didn't do it last wk)

What’s the cutest of the small, furry animals?
  • hmm... well i forgot what its call but its a cute little monkey like creature that eats fermented berries and has an average blood alcohol count of 0.1. He is so cute! :D
What predator impresses you the most?
  • sharks... with there electronegative sensor :P pretty cool
After which animal will you name your professional sports team?
  • frogs... so cute :P
What’s an unusual animal that you know a little something about?
  • sea urchins... they're pretty cool :D
Your high school probably had some kind of mascot or symbol, but based on your memories of it, what animal should REALLY have been the emblem?
  • well we were the red raiders [ :( ew ] i havent a clue i hated my high school

05 September 2008

A very orange FRIDAY 5

What’s your favorite orange-colored food?
  • hmm... tangerines :D
What’s the best way to drink orange juice?
  • ice cold from the carton :P delicious
Which candy’s orange-colored pieces taste best?
  • smarties... i love the orange ones!
What are your feelings about orange soda?
  • its wonderful on a hot summer day
When did you last wear an orange item of clothing?
  • uh... yesterday i had an OSU logo on a pair of shorts