29 June 2008

BeinVendos... BoA ViNDa... WElCOme!

So hello all who are interested... I am (of course) that girl! Here is my first blog EVER!!! So I am going to take this time to say abit about myself... if you read the mini introduction on the left hand side then congrats you are ahead of those who just began reading...
My name is Mandi and I am currently attending college as a biology major with a pre-pharmacy intentions, but only God knows what I am suppose to do with my life. I am absolutely loving my life as it is! I am a fun-loving, adventure-seeking, spontaneous, passionate person! I also tend to ramble as I type or talk for that matter, but yeah I decided I wanted to put my perspective of life, love, travel, stress, school, and whatever else that crosses my scatter-brained mind. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest and I intend to find everything the world has to offer and experience all I can... whatever wherever. My favorite thing is to travel, but I generally plan to go somewhere but never plan what to do. God leads me in life... so in essense there is no need to plan since the "Big Guy" is in charge. My mom is my rock and I know she is always there for me... Aye Aye Captain! She is an amazingly strong woman. I have a few hobbies: cars (I know WOW a girl likes cars... who know), futbol (soccer... fyi), anything artsy, pinstripping (little crazy designs on old school cars), kayaking and music (except country)... there is a ton other but yeah they will probably come up at some point.
well thats enough about me... for now :P Adios! Mucho Love!

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